...It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher... Matthew 10:25
Jesus expected his disciples to become like him. Paul told his peeps to imitate him as he imitated Christ. (1 Cor 11:1) This is the essence of discipleship, mentorship. Someone else begins to embody what we already embody. Christ was patient; we ought be patient. If we are impatient then those following us will have a living example of impatience to follow.
Discipleship raises the bar for ourselves. It calls us to measure our own steps and do deep soul-searching. They will become like us. Let me type that again. THEY WILL BECOME LIKE US. In our habits, disciplines, and secrets, oh they will become mini mirrors of our faith. We all struggle with patience so if those watching us are weak then the best thing we can do is embody Christ's patient love within ourselves. Give them a better picture of what faithfulness looks like.
- What do you need to work on, for their sake?
- What do you need to pray thru work thru, for their safe?
- Where do you need to grow so that they can grow?
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