Getting To the Heart
Pastor: Paul Hickernell Series: HELLO? Topic: heart Scripture: Proverbs 4:23, Acts 13:22, 2 Samuel 24:1–24
Do you know anything about your heart, your spiritual center? Is it healthy? Would you know how to check? In this part of our series on calling we learn how much the heart plays into our faith. David was a man after God's heart and looking at an episode in his life helps us judge our own heart. Listen for more.
other sermons in this series
Mar 5
Getting the Hard Call
Pastor: Paul Hickernell Scripture: Luke 1:26–38 Series: HELLO?
Feb 12
The Matter of the Platter
Pastor: Paul Hickernell Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:19–21, Isaiah 6:1–8 Series: HELLO?
Jan 29
From Sticks to Stakes
Pastor: Paul Hickernell Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4–5 Series: HELLO?